Georgia Wilderness Society
Annual GWS Poker Ride

October 15, 2022
Well, unlike last year, this year the weather gods smiled on our ride. A total of 16 people showed up to enjoy the beautiful weather for the ride, the festivities, and a walk on farm trails.
I could imagine John Houser and Tom Payne smiling down from their eternal rest!
We then restored the calories lost in riding, by devouring burgers and dogs from the grill and some tasty potlucks brought by guests. Special thanks to Genise Spenle and Susan Bush who helped out in various ways. Also to card passers Cherry Arrowsmith, Bud Queen, Genise Spenle, Susan Bush and Holly Payne. Terry Ross
Eight riders completed the easy 8-mile ride with no issues, enjoying the rural fall scenery. The big bike poker winner was one of our guests, new US Navy recruit Sean Williams (thanks for your service!). From my own early days in the USAF, I know the $$$ will come in handy. All members and guests had a shot at the door prizes: paintings of birds or butterflies done by my artistic Sis, Cherry Arrowsmith.

October 21, 2023
The weather gods smiled on us Saturday, 
with cool but sunny skies. Six bikers and a 
card passer showed up, bearing tasty 
treats for the post-ride. We did an 8-mile, 
easy route through the fall mid-Georgia 
countryside, with no incidents or break-
downs. The big winner of the poker pool 
was Bonny Gehling, with a number of 
members collecting door prizes made 
by Cherry Arrowsmith. After eating, we 
sat on the porch chatting and sharing 
experiences. Thanks to Cherry Arrowsmith 
and Connie Crumbley for helping with the card-passing duties. Other participants were David Crumbley, Margaret Clay, Shirley Williams, Basil Youman, and hosts Terry and Rosemary Ross.